Porspoace this mod works fine i.e. the icons show up fine in the user profile to the left of a topic.
Bluespace, same mod edits and the icons will not show up.
Checked my edits a five times so I am wondering what the issue is.
Three edit control this area
Find in styles/prosilver/imageset/imageset.cfg
Code: Select all
Add after
img_icon_user_warn = icon_user_warn.gif*20*20
Code: Select all
The only dif in the above is your gif is *20*27# [+] Karma MOD
img_icon_karma_increase = icon_karma_increase.gif*20*20
img_icon_karma_decrease = icon_karma_decrease.gif*20*20
# [-] Karma MOD
Find in styles/prosilver/template/memberlist_view.html
Code: Select all
Add Before
Code: Select all
Find in styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html
<!-- [+] Karma MOD //-->
<!-- IF S_KARMA -->
<dd>{KARMA}<!-- IF U_KARMA_COMMENTS --> | <strong><a href="{U_KARMA_COMMENTS}">{L_KARMA_USER_COMMENTS}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
<br />
<span class="karma-icons">
<!-- IF U_KARMA_INCREASE --><span class="karma-increase-icon"><a href="{U_KARMA_INCREASE}" title="{L_KARMA_INCREASE}"><span>{L_KARMA_INCREASE}</span></a></span><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF U_KARMA_DECREASE --><span class="karma-decrease-icon"><a href="{U_KARMA_DECREASE}" title="{L_KARMA_DECREASE}"><span>{L_KARMA_DECREASE}</span></a></span><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- [-] Karma MOD //-->
Code: Select all
Add Before
<!-- IF postrow.U_PM or postrow.U_EMAIL or postrow.U_WWW or postrow.U_MSN or postrow.U_ICQ or postrow.U_YIM or postrow.U_AIM or postrow.U_JABBER -->
Code: Select all
<!-- [+] Karma MOD -->
<!-- IF postrow.S_KARMA_ENABLED -->
<!-- IF postrow.U_KARMA_COMMENTS -->
<dd><a href="{postrow.U_KARMA_COMMENTS}"><strong>{L_KARMA}:</strong> {postrow.KARMA}</a></dd>
<!-- ELSE -->
<dd><strong>{L_KARMA}:</strong> {postrow.KARMA}</dd>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF postrow.U_KARMA_INCREASE || postrow.U_KARMA_DECREASE -->
<span class="karma-icons">
<!-- IF postrow.U_KARMA_INCREASE --><span class="karma-increase-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_KARMA_INCREASE}" title="{L_KARMA_INCREASE}"><span>{L_KARMA_INCREASE}</span></a></span><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF postrow.U_KARMA_DECREASE --><span class="karma-decrease-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_KARMA_DECREASE}" title="{L_KARMA_DECREASE}"><span>{L_KARMA_DECREASE}</span></a></span><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- [-] Karma MOD -->