chat index avatar core file edit...

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chat index avatar core file edit...

Post by spaceace »

the current version 0.1.0-BETA needs a core phpbb file patched for forums installed in a subfolder for the user set avatars to display when a message first gets submitted.
Open root/phpbb/avatar/driver/upload.php
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.
Code: Select all
	public function get_data($row, $ignore_config = false)
		return array(
			'src' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . 'download/file.' . $this->php_ext . '?avatar=' . $row['avatar'],
			'width' => $row['avatar_width'],
			'height' => $row['avatar_height'],
Replace with
Tip: Replace the preceding line(s) to find with the following line(s).
Code: Select all
	public function get_data($row, $ignore_config = false)
		$root_path = (defined('PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH') && PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH) ? generate_board_url() . '/' : $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path();
		return array(
			'src' => $root_path . 'download/file.' . $this->php_ext . '?avatar=' . $row['avatar'],
			'width' => $row['avatar_width'],
			'height' => $row['avatar_height'],
save and upload the file
Last edited by spaceace on Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: chat index avatar core file edit...

Post by Reaper »

There is also the local.php file from the same driver folder, that has a bug in it, here is the fix
Open root/phpbb/avatar/driver/local.php
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.
Code: Select all
	public function get_data($row, $ignore_config = false)
		return array(
			'src' => $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path() . 'download/file.' . $this->php_ext . '?avatar=' . $row['avatar'],
			'width' => $row['avatar_width'],
			'height' => $row['avatar_height'],
Replace with
Tip: Replace the preceding line(s) to find with the following line(s).
Code: Select all
	public function get_data($row, $ignore_config = false)
		$root_path = (defined('PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH') && PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH) ? generate_board_url() . '/' : $this->path_helper->get_web_root_path();
		return array(
			'src' => $root_path . 'download/file.' . $this->php_ext . '?avatar=' . $row['avatar'],
			'width' => $row['avatar_width'],
			'height' => $row['avatar_height'],
save and upload the file

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Re: chat index avatar core file edit...

Post by spaceace »

from phpBB 3.1.4 and up, these core edits are part of the phpBB software package and manual edits are no longer required :D
if you like my work and would like to contribute to my development of styles, please donate by using the donate button in the header.


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