modification installation services...

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Re: modification installation services...

Post by spaceace »

sebg61 wrote:hello,

i have ever my problem with mchat smilies, linking to : phpBB • [CDB] mChat - Page 27

If you have a litte of time and if you want see what is appening : user>testtoto / password>Testtoto61 (standard user)

php config and informations :

i'm sorry but i do not use or work on the mchat extension. i just know that when there is an issue with images and they say to turn on url rewrite to fix it, that is wrong and they should fix the code in the extension. my chat had image issues and they got fixed in the extension ;)

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Re: modification installation services...

Post by sebg61 »

ok, i was wrong , I was thinkink that you developt mChat instead of shoutbox ... :oops:
Anyway, juste for test, i have installed your shoutbox at the last version. Could you tell me why i cannot see smilies, bbcodes ect ....
I think that there are some files to upload at good place, and other file to édit ??

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Re: modification installation services...

Post by spaceace »

dmzx is the author for mchat that is here phpBB • [CDB] mChat
Paul is the author for shoutbox that is here phpBB • [CDB]Ajax Shoutbox
I am the author for Ajax Chat that is on the index of this site and here phpBB • [CDB] Ajax Chat

Paul's shoutbox was released while everyone knew it still had issues which i cannot understand how it got validated :roll:
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Re: modification installation services...

Post by sebg61 »


I found a solution for the smilies are displayed in the MiniChat after sending a message : place the contents of phpbb directly after the domain name (or localhost). Do no place phpbb after intermediate folder.

ex: => OK => KO

Great extension, thanks to Dmzx :thumbup:
